Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Effect of Wall Discrimination on Political Development in the West Bank

The Effect of Wall Discrimination on Political Development in the West Bank PDF

Bilal Abdel Raheem Othman Jabr

Prof. Abdel Sattar Qasim -
Discussion Commity

196 صفحة
Abstract :

This study consists of a preface and five chapters. The preface illustrates the problem of study which is represented in the influence of the Wall on the political development in the West Bank throughout its impact on the entry of this development with the existence of a state and strong, cohesive society. This is in addition to the effect of the Wall on the constituents supporting that entry; such as, the land and water ...etc.

The first chapter of the paper consists 0f five sections, the first of which tackles the concept of the paper; such as, the wall of Separation where I pinpoint the various nominations of the Wall as well as the track, sections, dimensions, construction and components. The second section of this chapter handles the concept of political development where I wrote down different ideas concerning this concept. In the third section, I illustrated the borders of the West Bank through the pursuance of what is called 'Green Line'. In addition to that, I showed the primal terminals that the West Bank has sunnounted until the reaching of the status quo. Besides to that, I handled the geographical elements as well as the most important effectives on the demographic situations. The fourth section of part one is about the concept of the state. I took it up at different stages of time as well as various schools of intellect. The last section in chapter one talks about the concept of citizenship. This concept is looked upon as one of the basics of modern democratic state.

The second chapter of the paper approaches the backgrounds of building the wall of separation; and it Consists of three sections, the first of which deals with the relates of the Wall with the Israeli settlement inside the West Bank here I concentrate on the targeted part in building the Wall. Then, I pursue the reality of settlement over these areas. and the second section. of chapter two tackles the intellectual background of Israeli settlement which has been established to construct the wall of separation simply. The third section of chapter two deals with the settling plans and projects which have been established just for the construction of the separation wall.

The third chapter deals with the impact of the Wall on the most important constituents supporting the entry to political development and the extent of its effect on the land, the water and population. And this comes in two sections. The first of which deals with the influence of the Wall on the land in the West Bank. And it tackles the areas which the Wall intends to sever. In the same section, the paper talks about the impact of the Wall on the regional and demographic continuation in the West Bank. The second section discusses the status of water and its age in the West Bank. This section talks as well about the Israeli greediness in the Palestinian water throughout the series of Israeli procedures in the West Bank The fourth section deals with the effect of the Wall on the human activities in the West Bank due to the relevance of development with the whole aspects gathered together. This chapter consists of two sections; the first of which deals with the impact of the Wall on the freedom of movement in the West Bank simply because that freedom is of great importance to the whole activities of people there. I've tackled as well the procedures imposed by Israel against the Palestinians in the face of performing their life activities in the regions influenced directly by the construction of the Wall; especially, the system of permits. The second section in this chapter discusses the effect of the separation wall on the economic, educational and health needs in the West Bank. I've pointed out the influence in the economical dimension throughout my tackling of the Wall influence on the most important Palestinian, economical sectors; such as, agriculture. Yet, pertaining to the effect of the Wall on education, I've discussed the manner throughout talking about schools which the Wall has separated from the population as well as the suffering of students and staffs of teaching during their going to schools or universities that were affected by the Wall. Pertaining to the effect of the Wall on the health conditions in the West Bank, I've pointed out the effect of it against the Palestinians' ability to get the medical services at the time of their need for that.

The fifth chapter which is the last one in the study consists of three sections; tile first of which deals with the strategic aims of the Wall; such as, preventing the establishing of a viable, developing, Palestinian state as well as the influence of the Wall on the demographic distribution in the West Bank between the Arabs & Jews. Then, I've discussed the target of the Wall in determining the final issues of negotiations; such as, the borders, water, settlements, refugees and Jerusalem. The second section in the fifth chapter consists of the study conclusions. And the third section of the same chapter consists of the study recommendations.

Full Article

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