Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Utilization of Antibiotics in Nablus City-Palestine Pharmaco-epidemiological Study

Utilization of Antibiotics in Nablus City-Palestine Pharmaco-epidemiological Study PDF

Hajjaj, Maram Zakareya Abdul-Allah

Suleiman Al Khalil; Waleed Sweileh -
Discussion Commity

Abstract :

Few studies have studied the frequency of over the counter acquisition of antibiotics in Arabic countries. In order to provide an insight into these practice we investigate the frequency of self –medication in Nablus city- Palestine and factors influencing this practice . Pharmacy based interviewed and observation data were collected from 9207purchares sampled from 24 privet pharmacy in the area. 1702 of 9207 customers purchased antibiotics without prescription (18.48) in a two week period . our data show that people likely to follow this practice are from low income families (workers and employee). Also data show that the risk of buying antibiotics without prescription was associated with education at university level. The perception that it is expensive to consult doctors and low satisfaction with medical practitioners. The antibiotics were mainly self-administered for upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms particularly sore throat with community pharmacies being source of about 70% of cases. The study indicates the needs for educational campaigns on proper antibiotics use among Palestinian general public, also the need of other studies about this problem.

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GIS as a Tool for Route Location and Highway Alignment

GIS as a Tool for Route Location and Highway Alignment PDF

Dawwas, Emad Basheer Salameh

Sameer A. Abu Eisheh -
Discussion Commity

Abstract :

Selecting best route location and highway alignment process is a complicated one, due to the many variables that must be taken into consideration for achieving the best results. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can easily model such variables, including topography, environment, built-up areas, and geology variables. This study took advantages of GIS capabilities that offer the ability to overlay maps, merge them, and perform spatial analysis on various layers of information in either two or three dimensions. In this study, a GIS model for route location and highway alignment was developed and used to generate alternate highway route applications. After these alternatives were preliminarily designed using CADD software (Softdesk 8.0), the model was used to analyze, evaluate, and then select the alternative with least impacts on environmental, economical, and political aspects. In this study, the GIS model was tested on an application that aims to select the best alternative of three suggested highway alignments. This selected highway is supposed to connect two major cities in the north of the West Bank (Nablus and Jenin). In this application, the advantages of the developed model was clear in the preliminary stage of alternatives generation where it was possible to avoid impacting of the different sensitive areas. In addition, a lot of information can be concluded once the user identifies a suggested route because the profile can be developed and drawn immediately. In final stages of analysis and evaluation, the model showed high capabilities in analyzing the impacts of each alternative, using buffering and spatial relations between the different features and the suggested alternatives, and then evaluating these impacts. The results of this study clearly showed the applicability and potential of using GIS as a tool in route location and highway alignment with least potential impacts.

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Role of the Arab Political System in Impeding

Role of the Arab Political System in Impeding PDF

Maha Sami Fuad Masri

Professor Nayef Abu Khalaf -
Discussion Commity

356 صفحة
Abstract :

At a time when advanced societies seek to take hold of knowledge and its secrets and control its movement through a healthy ground, thanks to legitimate political systems’ help in fixing it, underdeveloped societies, including the Arab societies, are plagued with informational crises which have cost them a lot at the internal and external levels. This is attributed to the fact that their political regimes lack legitimacy. These regimes, by various means and methods, have imposed themselves. Their top priority is to remain in power and continue to rule. These regimes have totally neglected informational building of their subjects.

The vision of the Arab political system has been based on rule: restriction of freedom and usurpation of rights. These regimes have long believed that freedom, if given to people, will pose a threat to them and to their survival. This restriction of freedom and denial of rights have been practiced under the pretext of maintaining order and law. In so doing, these regimes have censored all tools of information production and dissemination. The Arab regimes are truly living in serious crises. Of these are the crises of legitimacy and democracy and absence of political pluralism. These have allowed denial of rights and civil liberties of the Arab citizen, thus hindering his endeavor for knowledge. The informational building has been hard hit. One of the basics of this building is the exercise of political freedom and civil liberties by the citizen including freedom of thinking, expression of opinion in a way that allows the acceptance of the other’s opinion, and the possibility of opening a dialog with him to come up with an independent, objective, enlightened opinion, on the basis of which a constructive dialog can be initiated.

This status quo of the Arab political regimes and their societies is now in a serious crisis: informational crisis. This has opened the room for foreigners to impose their agenda, and suggest reform initiatives, counting on language of threats. They are frankly pressing for their implementation. This study has proved that behind these schemes are bad intentions, propaganda and political interests.

This study has endeavored to point out that the building or creation of informational Arab societies will not materialize through foreign reform calls and schemes. Rather, what is needed is national reform schemes that take into consideration political reform, first, through creation of legitimate political regimes based on public support, institutional democracy, freedom of opinion and expression and the right to access knowledge wherever it is without any restrictions or conditions.

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The Effect of Wall Discrimination on Political Development in the West Bank

The Effect of Wall Discrimination on Political Development in the West Bank PDF

Bilal Abdel Raheem Othman Jabr

Prof. Abdel Sattar Qasim -
Discussion Commity

196 صفحة
Abstract :

This study consists of a preface and five chapters. The preface illustrates the problem of study which is represented in the influence of the Wall on the political development in the West Bank throughout its impact on the entry of this development with the existence of a state and strong, cohesive society. This is in addition to the effect of the Wall on the constituents supporting that entry; such as, the land and water ...etc.

The first chapter of the paper consists 0f five sections, the first of which tackles the concept of the paper; such as, the wall of Separation where I pinpoint the various nominations of the Wall as well as the track, sections, dimensions, construction and components. The second section of this chapter handles the concept of political development where I wrote down different ideas concerning this concept. In the third section, I illustrated the borders of the West Bank through the pursuance of what is called 'Green Line'. In addition to that, I showed the primal terminals that the West Bank has sunnounted until the reaching of the status quo. Besides to that, I handled the geographical elements as well as the most important effectives on the demographic situations. The fourth section of part one is about the concept of the state. I took it up at different stages of time as well as various schools of intellect. The last section in chapter one talks about the concept of citizenship. This concept is looked upon as one of the basics of modern democratic state.

The second chapter of the paper approaches the backgrounds of building the wall of separation; and it Consists of three sections, the first of which deals with the relates of the Wall with the Israeli settlement inside the West Bank here I concentrate on the targeted part in building the Wall. Then, I pursue the reality of settlement over these areas. and the second section. of chapter two tackles the intellectual background of Israeli settlement which has been established to construct the wall of separation simply. The third section of chapter two deals with the settling plans and projects which have been established just for the construction of the separation wall.

The third chapter deals with the impact of the Wall on the most important constituents supporting the entry to political development and the extent of its effect on the land, the water and population. And this comes in two sections. The first of which deals with the influence of the Wall on the land in the West Bank. And it tackles the areas which the Wall intends to sever. In the same section, the paper talks about the impact of the Wall on the regional and demographic continuation in the West Bank. The second section discusses the status of water and its age in the West Bank. This section talks as well about the Israeli greediness in the Palestinian water throughout the series of Israeli procedures in the West Bank The fourth section deals with the effect of the Wall on the human activities in the West Bank due to the relevance of development with the whole aspects gathered together. This chapter consists of two sections; the first of which deals with the impact of the Wall on the freedom of movement in the West Bank simply because that freedom is of great importance to the whole activities of people there. I've tackled as well the procedures imposed by Israel against the Palestinians in the face of performing their life activities in the regions influenced directly by the construction of the Wall; especially, the system of permits. The second section in this chapter discusses the effect of the separation wall on the economic, educational and health needs in the West Bank. I've pointed out the influence in the economical dimension throughout my tackling of the Wall influence on the most important Palestinian, economical sectors; such as, agriculture. Yet, pertaining to the effect of the Wall on education, I've discussed the manner throughout talking about schools which the Wall has separated from the population as well as the suffering of students and staffs of teaching during their going to schools or universities that were affected by the Wall. Pertaining to the effect of the Wall on the health conditions in the West Bank, I've pointed out the effect of it against the Palestinians' ability to get the medical services at the time of their need for that.

The fifth chapter which is the last one in the study consists of three sections; tile first of which deals with the strategic aims of the Wall; such as, preventing the establishing of a viable, developing, Palestinian state as well as the influence of the Wall on the demographic distribution in the West Bank between the Arabs & Jews. Then, I've discussed the target of the Wall in determining the final issues of negotiations; such as, the borders, water, settlements, refugees and Jerusalem. The second section in the fifth chapter consists of the study conclusions. And the third section of the same chapter consists of the study recommendations.

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Bases of Civilization, and the Elements of its Disappearance

Bases of Civilization, and the Elements of its Disappearance PDF

Ammar Tawfiq Ahmed Badawi

Dr. Mohsin Sameeh Al-Khaldi -
Discussion Commity

350 صفحة
Abstract :


I've divided my thesis into a preface and four chapters. In the preface, I illustrated the lingual and idiomatic definitions of civilization and culture and showed the differences between them.

In the first chapter, I talked about the elements of civilization and its bases and substructures only on which a perfect civilization is based. These bases are: belief in God, right dogmatic imagination, science and education, good deeds, morals, comprehensiveness, addressing all people, prosperous economy, peace and static political discipline.

In the second chapter, I discussed the safety criteria for the continuity of civilization. These criteria protect civilization from deviation and protect it from vanishing and downfall. These appear in exhortation and calling to account, enjoining right conduct and forbidding indecency, and the consideration of God legislations.

In the third chapter, I explained the elements that destroy civilization and cause it vanish such as disbelief ( apostasy), injustice, indulging in luxury, misdeeds and sins, superiority complex and oppression, inclination to materialism, and economical corruption.

In the fourth chapter, I talked about the future consolidation of Islamic civilization, and I explained the truthful omens for this consolidation. Then I showed how The Islamic civilization is concerned with mankind and it continues through his existence. I dealt with the marks of the downfall of contemporary materialistic civilization. Finally I discussed how the Islamic civilization is the inheritor of all civilizations.

God is the Lord of success

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Water in the Holy Quran

Water in the Holy Quran PDF

Fatama Mohammad Ayed Ebeedih

Dr. Mohammad Hafez Alshraideh -
Discussion Commity

202 صفحة
Abstract :

Water in the Holy Quran

Prepared by

Fatama Mohammad Ayed Ebeedih


Dr. Mohammad Hafez Alshraideh



Water in the Holy Quran is an objective research study prepared by Fatima EbedieK

It is meant to discuss the Quranic verses that refer to water, The importance of this topic stems from the importance of water worldwide and the great number of theses verses which speak about water in the Holy Quran,

This study includes an introduction to five chapters

Chapter One: confirms the fact that earth is the real origin and source of water,

Chapter Two: shows some aspects and causes of water fall, Explains and clarifies the verses that speaks about the surface water: the ruiiriing and still besides the shape and image of the underground water.

Illustrates the verses about seas and shows clearly the greatness of Allah the creator through the miraculous scientific signs of the verses speaking about the sea.

Chapter Three: clarifies the verses that speaks about the legal arid rightful rules that are related to water especially for ablution, washing.,. etc.

Chapter four: states the utilities of water in general such as life hood of water the source of all living creatures the earth, mankind and all the other creatures.

Expounds the role of water in nature and stresses the striking and baffling scientific verses that speak about mountains and how water colors them.

Chapter five: illustrates the meaning of “strengthening and consolidation” by water through demonstrating the verses that discuss the cultural strengthening by victory. The stories of Noah and Musa (peace be upon them (l are mentioned as examples.

** This research also discusses the Arab water in general and the Holy Land’s in particular.

** Finally, it clarifies that the next war will be on water. Of research conclusions:

1. Water start forming from ground and it returns back to ground by exact certain cycle.

2. God’s throne was stable on water, it’s a matter that human can’t go through it to explain. So, let’s believe inso as written in Quran.

3. Water is been used by God as a tool of reward and punishment.

Full Article


Ab-U`baidah PDF

Eihab Fawzi Tawfiq Al-Haji

Dr. Adnan Milhim -
Discussion Commity

949 صفحة
Abstract :


Abu U`baidah is Mu`mar Ibn El-Muthana, the sponsor of Tayim Ibn Murrah who was from Quraish mainly the branch of Abu Baker El-sideeq who was also of Jew origin from Bajorwan. He was born in 110 A.H at the time of Abd-Allah Al-Mamun "D.218 A.H."

Abu-Ubaidah was grown up in Al-Basra, then from there he travelleal to Persia then to Baghdad. He was with good relation with the Men of the Abasi state whom they had a role in arriving him to Baghdad. He went to their places read at them his books. His classifications were 158 books. Eight books remained: "El-Naqa`d", "Majaz El-Qura`n", "El-Khail", "Al-A`qaqah and Al-Bararah", "Tasmeyah Azwaj Al-Nabi", "El-Muhadarat and Al-Muhawarat", "Al-Ma`alim "and a peom for Abu- Ubaida ending with "L" Letter.

He was treated from El-khawarij scholars. He took care of collecting their news, he maintioned their characteristics and titles, and he justified their protrusion on the state and he gave it a religious protrusion.

I paid attention in this study for collecting their historical narrations which was narrated by Abu-U`baidah and which are kept in heritage books.

He narrated about seventy six scholars who were distinct by their varied sciences. He took care also in predication, he used both the collective and the singular predication. Some of his marrtions were unpredicated. Fifty six pupils, who were distinct in their varied sciences, narrated about Abu-U`baidah, and he used to have a special seminar at Al-Basra Mosque in which he read on his pupils and answered their questions.

Abu-U`baidah wrote the history from linguists points of view. He used to collect the narrations connected with a special event in one book, and he mentioned more than a narration about one subject.

Not only was he a pure collector of narrations but he was also a critic of the text or the teller in which he interfered to reject or substitute or illaburate ice text.

His way of writing was literate and narrative, his language was easy and clear, he used dialogue and illusion and so that gave his narrations attractive literate aspect.

He took care throughout his narrations time, sites, Quran verses. Prophet's says, saying, reconcilement treaties, he tops, speeches and poetry elements.

He studied widely he nor them Arab filed of narration comprehensively which left an effect on the choice school in that era and so most of the historians like Al-Tabari "D.310 A.H" and Ibn Al-A`thir depended upon him a lot "D.630 A.H.

Full Article

Biological Control of Rhizoctonia Solani and Sclerotium Rolfsii by Using Local Isolates of Trichoderma Spp

Biological Control of Rhizoctonia Solani and Sclerotium Rolfsii by Using Local Isolates of Trichoderma Spp PDF

Fadel Abed Al-Fattah Abed Al-Aziz Al-Mahareeq

Prof. Dr. Mohammed S. Ali-Shtayeh - د. رضوان بركات
Discussion Commity
Prof. Dr. Mohammed S. Ali-Shtayeh (SupeDr. Radwan Barakat (Co-supervisorDr. Ayed Ghaleb Ahed Mohammed (External examiner). Dr. Firas Sawalha (Internal examiner)rvisor
124 صفحة
Abstract :


The bioagent, Trichoderma species are known antagonists of other fungi, and have been shown to be very potent biocontrol agents of several soil borne plant pathogenic fungi under both greenhouse and field conditions. One hundred sixty nine soil samples from irrigated fields in the West Bank were collected for the recovering of Trichoderma fungal species using Trichoderma selective media (TSM). Forty-seven local Trichoderma isolates were isolated.

The antagonistic potential of the local isolates against the phytopathogenic Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii was investigated in dual culture and bioassay on bean plants. Application of testing isolates as a conidial suspension (3*106) greatly reduced the disease index of bean plants caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii in different rates by a percentage of 65% and 67%, respectively.

The results revealed that the variation of antagonistic potential between isolates was due to the variation in mycelium-coiling rate, sporulation, fungitoxic metabolites, induced growth response and temperature effect. In dual culture, most effective isolate (Jn14) overgrew the pathogens R. solani and S. rolfsii at 30 and 25 oC respectively. In addition, results showed that Jn14 and T36 were the most effective isolates at 25 °C and inhibited R. solani and S. rolfsii mycelial growth at a percentage of 79% and 94.7% respectively due to fungitoxic metabolites production. Sporulation of the isolates reached a peak at 30 °C and decreased at 35 °C. The maximum absolute spore production were 1.5*109 spore / ml by the isolate Jn14 at 30 °C. The Effect of Trichoderma on bean seedlings growth was obvious; height was nearly doubled (160% - 200%), while fresh and dry weight were increased by 133% - 217% respectively. in plant. Germination of bean seeds treated with Trichoderma isolates occurred about four days earlier than those in untreated soil.

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The Other in Pre Islamic Poetry

The Other in Pre Islamic Poetry PDF

Mayy Odhe Ahmad Yasien

Dr. Ehsan Al-Deek -
Discussion Commity

106 صفحة
Abstract :


Talking about “the other” in pre -Islamic era” "Al-jahiil" poet was part of his VIS1Ofl to himself because the” other is exiting in his identity, It forms a subject of temptation for the poet precaution and care from him, through him "the other" we knew how much the Arabs had evaluated “the other” and taken from his culture and civilization.

This subject has forced its way in the psychological and social studies but had never been given any care by the ancient literature but they mentioned it through taking about the relationship between the Arab and other nation. This research studies the presence of” the other” in the pre-Islamic "Aljahili" poetry and it also tries to answer questions like, how did the Arab person meet the other?.

In the first chapter of the research we answer the pervious question by talking about ways of communication which include political, commercial and religious ways or through ways or missionary missions orjahili singers and musicians.

The second chapter discussing the question of how did the poet use “the other” in his poetry, the other was divided into many ethics such as the Persian, the Roman, the Indian, the Napatean and the the other was present in peace and war times through importing weapons eg, the Indians words or through wars e.g -wars between the Arabs and the Persians or the Romans, also in peace times the Habashsi presence through buying and selling slaves forn Habashi land.

In the third chapter I discussed the religious side of” the other “through relation with the Jews, Christians and Mjous and their presence in al -jahili poetry, the most striking point was that “the other had no important effect on the Arab from the religious side. we can refer this to the fact that the Jews were c and cruel and the Christians were so peaceful and not crule and these characterstics which the Arab hate, The has no considerable presence in the poetry due to weak effect on the arab person. The fourth chapter discussed the effect of” the other” on the language and music of the poet, we found some expressions that enter the Arabs from the Persian or Roman languages such as names of musical instruments perfumes and flowers, the music effect can be seen in using rhymes and rhythems and meters from quick to slow or "Majzo" or "mashtoor" that gives poetry its glamour and artistic poetry which we notice in their poetry.

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Stylistic Study in Alkahf Sura

Stylistic Study in Alkahf Sura PDF

Marwan Mohamed Saed Abd-Elrahman

Prof. Khaleel Auda -
Discussion Commity

237 صفحة
Abstract :

This applied study, which consist of three chapters, searches in Alkahf Sura, according to Stylistic Method, which searches into the different aspects of linguistics: critically. This study is distinguished in the sense that it covers the whole Sura.

In the first chapter, it explores the phonetic level, and its musical and aesthetical significance .In addition the semantic level and the features of the exact expressions are explored. Then the associative relations among the accurately chosen words including: synonyms, antonyms, and polyesmy are studied.

In the 2sd chapter, This significant phenomena of this Sura together with its expressive meanings are investigate. Among these phenomena are: repetition, singular and plural, definite and indefinite, backward and forward, interrogation, and surprise.

In the third chapter, I studied the artistic imaging of the Sura،In which imaginary expressions depending on figurative formed together with its artistic images in which we can notice clearly the artistic images in which we can clearly notice the artistic harmony of all these images.

Full Article

Amending Condition of Contractual Responsibility in the Egyptian Civil Law

Amending Condition of Contractual Responsibility in the Egyptian Civil Law PDF

Ahmed Saleem Fariz Al-Nasrah

Dr. Gassan Khaled -
Discussion Commity

253 صفحة
Abstract :

This study examined the amending conditions in the contractual responsibility. In an introductory chapter, several issues related to this study were raised. One was the pillars of contractual and inadequate responsibility. The focus was on the pillar of error. It was explained that personal responsibility of the moneylender (creditor) extends to his responsibility for the errors of his/her followers and the act of doing the thing. A comparison was held between the two responsibilities. The issues of combination and choice between the two responsibilities were presented. It was found that considering the choice between the two responsibilities would lead to the lack of order of the two exempting and mollifying conditions of the impacts of the two responsibilities. A definition of these two conditions was presented and so was their scope. It was found that the idea of amendment in the responsibility is blemished with ambiguity by same law expounders. The researcher distinguished it from compensation agreement system and responsibility insurance. Then the researcher presented the effects of conditions on the persons. He explained what could be considered an exception in these effects and showed the partial and total impact of the invalidity of these conditions on the contract, thus rendering the application of the general rule in the lessening of contracts.

Chapter one was devoted to the exempting condition from responsibility. In this context, the researcher presented the fiqh (Islamic Law) position towards this condition. He also presented the position of the Egyptian law and court of justice. It was found that the Egyptian civil law has allowed explicitly this condition but introduced two exceptions to it. One exception is serious error; the other is the error of the other. The researcher criticized this position because the creditor’s responsibility in this case is a personal responsibility. Further, the Egyptian civil law has failed to put rules or sufficient restrictions on this condition. The researcher suggested taking a number of these rules, derived from fiqh and court of justice and others derived from some special applications

These restrictions don’t allow this condition if it poses danger to man’s safety. They also don’t allow this condition if it has to do with a key commitment in the contract. In addition, it was necessary for the condition to be written; otherwise, it would be related to the relationship between the consumer and the merchant. It shouldn’t be stated in the submissive contract. The researcher found that despite allowing this condition as a general rule, several applications were cited and considered this condition devoid. The researcher concluded that this condition would lead to the lack of responsibility of the creditor although he would be originally responsible pursuant to the general rules. He has to transfer the burden of evidence, in the case of cheating and serious error.

Chapter two was devoted to the mollifying condition. The researcher noticed that this condition had several versions. He, however, limited them to the two general versions. One is the mollifying cases of commitment. Added to them was a special version pertinent to the condition which dictates that the period of course of the time be shortened. The researcher, in this context, found that the first and second versions would be allowed. The third version, however, would not be allowed except in narrow situations. Of the mollifying condition versions, the version that would refer to the sum of compensation was ruled out. It was not considered a mollifying condition of responsibility. Rather it was a compensation: either agreement or legal. Concerning the partial exemption from obligation or commitment, it was attached to the provision of exempting condition because there was no difference between them. What applies to most of the mollifying condition provisions apply also to the exempting condition given the same cause most of the time.

In chapter three, the researcher dealt with the stiff condition in responsibility. He presented the condition which holds the moneylender the foreign cause. He explained its notion, what it includes and showed that it has had two faces. The first is included in the concept of guarantees. It is considered a commitment in its accurate meaning. The second remains within the framework of responsibility. Every adaptation necessitates different effects. They were all explained in the context of the research. The researcher presented the effects of this condition on the burden of evidence and money lender’s responsibility. He also explained the exceptions to it. He also dealt with the condition of toughening the evaluation of the moneylender’s conduct and explained its versions and its impact of evidence and moneylender’s responsibility. He also presented several applications for the stiff condition in responsibility in several contracts. In addition, he presented the restrictions stated in the stiff condition in responsibility: writing, clarity, physical safety of men, non-violation of general order, and good intention and non-violation of the condition of justice.

In the conclusion, the researcher presented general conclusions. Details pertinent to applications of conditions, however, were not all presented. The suggestions were also restricted to the wording of a general text which has to be included in the civil law in addition to another text pertinent to the permission of choice between the two responsibilities.

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Value Added Tax and it`s Relatoinship

Value Added Tax and it`s Relatoinship PDF

Amer Abdul Aziz Mahmood Musa

Dr.Hasan F. Haj Musa - د. غسان خالد
Discussion Commity

216 صفحة
Abstract :


There are authors who consider tax to comprise all ideological, economic and technical elements, that interact with one another to construct a certain tax entity, which works for financing public expenses programs of the state, in addition to raising the level of economic resources and directing them towards the best utilization and accelerating growth rates to alleviate or eliminate problems of instability and realize social justice in national income distribution among individuals of the society, and also imposing national security for all.

On the basis of a deep and realistic study of the needs of any society, that society may consider having any sort of taxes and build its taxing system in accordance with that adopted sort. takes differ in kind according to source being direct, indirect, imposed on money, on persons, income, capital, or expenses.

Taxes may be imposed on one source or be multisided, or they may not be given with tax designation.

Serving citizens and considering their interests needs enough financing ; in fact, it is the autonomous and abundant source in which, foreigners don’t help the government and which enables the government, in case it is well utilized, not to concede any part of its sovereignty.

After considering taxes as comprising social solidarity, when distribution of taxes is fair, it becomes necessary to study taxes and their results in producing direct or indirect utility to the society and individuals.

Tax laws are diverse and interusined such that the individual citizen (the non-specialist) becomes unable to differentiate easily between one tax and another, hence I preferred to write on this subject trying to discover points of compatibility and incompatibility between value added tax and income tax which are valid in Palestine, especially in the administration and legislative stages including definition and collecting.

Hence, the study matter will be identifying the degree of compatibility between the valid tax laws and their correlaon and also investigating the feasibility of existence of various tax departments in light of the correlation between the various taxes, and knowing if one tax department can do all tasks of the departments, particularly in case of amending some tax laws.

The research also adopted the attempt of providing the reader with a complete idea on the application of vat in Palestine regarding the beginning of its collecting, the law according to which it is collected, and the exactly of possibility of developments of there laws to be more sensitive to tax fairness requirements, the principles upon which these laws were founded and applied, and also the determinates of this tax as implied by the economic agreement between the national Palestinian authority and the Hebrew state.

The importance of this study is related to discovering to the relationship between vat and income tax, especially the legislative relationship and determining the possibility of depending on decrees or decisions in imposing vat or the necessity of issuing explicit law imposing vat in commodities and services and also studying the extent of compatibility between vat and income tax and also investigating the method of determining the due income tax on establishments and companies, i.e. in legal personalities regarding their payment of vat without rereading of the tax file annually, particularly if the file was examined on a monthly basic in the vat departments.

Literature on vat in particular and income tax in general was reviewed, including books on public finance, journals, papers and internet sites. also a field study questionnaire was used for deducing the opinion of tax payers and their understanding of the various kinds of taxes and enquiry about their performance of any imposed tax, and ease of dealing with tax departments in addition to other enquiries concentrating on vat, customs, and excise taxes, and determining if there is a need of imposing vat on commodities and service as is the case with the taxes of customs, excise, taxes and the law of income taxes.

The research confirmed the necessity of unifying the departments of vat and the income tax in one department, activating the role of the tax department to become the fundamental and first reference of revenues of the Palestinian national authority, and also the necessity of availability of independent legislative laws of the PNA i.e. accelerating issuance of a vat law, because the available texts regarding the vat systems, currently, are not available to all taxable persons, in addition to being ambiguous and difficult to understand set during the day of direct occupation.

This can take place through a modern tax laws that responds to the particularity of tax payers and the challenges of the Palestinian reality, current in Palestine, and reducing income tax, and increasing dependence on expenditure taxes including vat.

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Regulation of Options in Money Markets from the Legal, Artistic, Taxable and Religious Sides

Regulation of Options in Money Markets from the Legal, Artistic, Taxable and Religious Sides. PDF

Zahira Yunes Muhammad Suwadi

Dr. Ghassan Sharif Khalid - د. حسن فـلاح حسن
Discussion Commity

277 صفحة
Abstract :

The subject of this research is the regulation of options in money markets from the legal, artistic, taxable and religious sides.

The content of the thesis began with a general introduction as a preliminary to the subject matter of the research work; where I tackled the importance of the treatise as well as the aim from it. The researcher dealt with the approach of survey in the study, besides to the abstract of it in Arabic & English. Then, she discussed a few studies related to the issue of the paper.

The research includes six sections, where each of them contains two topics. In the first of them, I treated the money markets according to their importance and tasks; in addition to the security bonds manipulated inside them. The second topic in the first section has concentrated, in detail, on the evaluation for them. The researcher concluded from it that there was a framework planning dividing the money markets for the majority of their patterns upon our own proposal already included at the end of chapter one.

In the second chapter, I tackled the issue of emergence and arrangement for future contracts and their markets; where the first survey in this section has commenced with subjects related to future contracts in general; as well as their kinds that include options and exchanges, besides to a comparison between these contracts and those of options; whereas, in the second chapter, we tried, in the second research, to deal with the arrangement of future contract markets pertaining to the importance of them; the number of their members, the procedures of interaction with them and the kinds of orders used in them due the fact that the markets of option are a part from the future markets.

The third section contained the subject of legal & administrative regulation for options in the markets of option; yet, the discourse in the first research of this section deals with the definition of options; their importance; their pitfalls; and the legal sides of the contract; such as, its bases; its peripheries; its divisions; besides to the kinds of options and their merits. The second research discussed the legal & administrative regulation for arranged options talking about the legal regulation for options and limitation of their acts and the accountability of contracting with them; besides, to the administrative regulation in these markets; such as, the registration in the market, the members in arranged options & the interactions of compromise in them.

The first search in the fourth section has surveyed the economical evaluation for options throughout the factors affecting the quotation of options rights as well as the methods of determining their value; the statistical styles of measuring the sensitivity of options far from the risks that the operators with them might be exposed to. Yet, in the second research of the same section, we studied the accountable special issues in options as determiners for option; as well a margin of insuring the option and the ways of calculating it; and the impact of option on the current market.

The fifth section talked about the artistic sides for options; such as, the strategies of options as the first research of it dealt with a group of strategies that stand on one option. Yet, in the second survey of the fourth section, we studied a group of strategies that includes a variety of options; together with mentioning the aims of each strategy and giving examples on them in both surveys.

At last, in the six sections, I tackled the taxable treatment for options in the first part of it; where I have talked about the cost of interactions in these contracts; the manner of calculating commission on them; and the taxable treatment for the profits. In the second part of this section, I wrote about the juristic adaptation for options starting with the doctrinal adaptation for money markets in general & the contracts of option; besides to the religious viewpoint towards these interactions; the legality & illegality of them; and lastly, the researcher’s opinion in this domain.

In the end, there were conclusions & recommendations reached to from this treatise. The most important of which were: the whole options, with all their types, are one of the wide spread financial derivatives aiming at realizing returns within a level of risks expected more effectively. There is an important recommendation concerning the money markets despite their large, important role in the economy of the state; yet, there are a few warnings against the erroneous usage.

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Current Situation and Strategies for the Development of Local Administration in the Palestinian Territories

Current Situation and Strategies for the Development of Local Administration in the Palestinian Territories PDF

Sana' Qasem Mohammad Haseeba


Dr. Ali Abdel Hamid -

Discussion Commity

154 صفحة

Abstract :


This thesis have attempted to examine the Palestinian local administration through reviewing its stages of development, analyzing and evaluating the current situation following the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority

The major aim of the study is to evaluate the current situation of the Palestinian local administration under the present circumstances; and to determine the obstacles and difficulties facing it in order to put programs and proposals for a future strategy, which will improve the performance of the local authorities and enhance their role and contributions in the process of development and the establishment of the future Palestinian State.

To achieve this aim, the concepts and models related to management systems and local administration was studied. Also, the performance of previous local administration in Palestine was reviewed. The study has adopted a historical descriptive approach in addition to applying the analytical approach to analyze and evaluate the existing situation in Palestine depending upon information and data available through various resources, in addition to the results of the questionnaire distributed to a number of local authorities and related persons in north West Bank.

The study's results have pointed out the existence of centralization within the local Palestinian administration system as well as availability of the multi-administrative levels, in addition to the large number of local authorities (particularly newly established municipalities). Also, it revealed the disability of those authorities to perform tasks and duties and meet the needs of citizens. In addition, the study has shown the irrelevance of the local authorities' law to the current situation, and the absence of the vital flexibility to confront challenges and accommodate developments.

The study has concluded by pointing out a number of recommendations. The most important recommendation is to reconsider the role and performance of the Ministry of Local Government; so that it becomes only supervising and monitoring role. Also, it recommended the attempt to improve the administrative role of local authorities, and to reduce the administrative hierarchy. Moreover, the study emphasized the enhancement of the governor's role; and the merging (either wholly or partially) of municipalities. In addition, it recommended offering local authorities financial independence; developing the taxation and accountability systems, as well as reinforcing the decentralized administration policy in their relation with the Ministry of Local Government. Finally, the study has recommended the importance of revising a new law for the local authorities containing appropriate legal and legislative texts taking into consideration the participation of all related parties in laying out the proposed strategies, and considering the psychological, behavioral and environmental factors related to the Palestinian people.

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Physical and Characteristics of Palestinian Refugee Camps: A Case Study of Jenin Camp (West Bank)

Physical and Characteristics of Palestinian Refugee Camps: A Case Study of Jenin Camp (West Bank) PDF

Amal Salah Mohammad Taslak

Dr. Khairi Marei - علي عبد الحميد
Discussion Commity

187 صفحة
Abstract :


The refugee camps had passed through various stage of physical development starting with the tents, then single housing units (huts) and finally the residential quarters (neighborhoods). The physical fabric of the camps in general have transferred from a fabric imposed by the UNRWA to a fabric replicating the needs of the refugees and their cultural, social and environmental features, and to a large extent it looks like the fabric of the neighborhood units in the Arabic and Islamic city.

The major aim of this thesis is studying and analyzing the physical and planning characteristics of the refugee camps in general and of Jenin camp in particular. The study concentrates on analyzing the physical fabric of the camp in terms of its architectural features, public services and facilities and the road network through the different phases of development from its establishment in 1957 until the recent time. Also, it considers the cultural and social aspects that contributed to the formation of this physical fabric.

To achieve this aim, the historical method was followed to collect the data and information about the historical and physical development of the camp. Also, the descriptive method has been used in studying the existing situation. In addition, the analytical method was used in analyzing the physical fabric and architectural elements in the camp. Moreover, certain research tools were utilized; including the field survey of buildings and public services, interviews with residents and related institutions, and the aerial photos, maps and plans that describe the physical and planning features of the camp through various time periods.

The results of the study indicated that there is a similarity between the physical fabric of Jenin camp and that of the Arabic and Islamic city, which reflects the cultural and social aspects of the population. In addition, the study has shown the lower level of health, social and entertainment services in the camp due to the increased density of population and buildings. Consequently, the study recommended the undertaking of building measures and standards in the camp, which sustain the maintenance of the physical fabric and the provision of adequate public services and facilities that consider the needs of the population. Finally, the study emphasized the importance of the rehabilitation and upgrading of the refugee camps as being a physical environment located inside the Palestinian cities and settlements without ignoring the right of return as well as not imposing the political scenarios dealing with the refugee problem.

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Evaluation of Solid Waste Management Practices in Nablus District

Evaluation of Solid Waste Management Practices in Nablus District PDF

Abu Zahra, Abdul Salam F

Hafez Shaheen; Isam al Khatib -
Discussion Commity

Abstract :

This study is about the current solid waste management system in Nablus district and it covers the issue from three aspects. These are the management system, awareness of citizens, and solid waste composition. Around 97% of the population in Nablus district are located within areas that have a solid waste collection system. There are great variations in the management system between the city and villages, and among different villages. The collection systems in villages vary from one to another by equipment used. 25 localities are using compacting trucks while 22 are using tractor. The service provider is local council in 9 localities, a contractor in 27 localities, and the joint service council in 13 localities. Amount of solid waste fee ranges between 5 NIS to 15 NIS. The fee is collected separately in 11 localities, with electricity bill in 35 localities, with water bill in 3 localities, with both bills in 2 localities Ownership of the dumping sites also changes from locality to locality. Insufficiency of existing labor and equipments, improper disposal of waste in dumping sites, and low fee collection rates, are the main problems in the existing management system. There is no separation of hazardous and medical waste in all localities. These practices increase threat to citizens and the environment. There is a question about the necessity of unifying the solid waste management system in the district and in the Palestinian territories. This unification can be activated by initiative from the Ministry of Local Government, which is responsible for the local councils. There is a need for establishing sanitary disposal landfill. This should be done in parallel with closing the illegal dumping sites, and increasing the recycling and composting where it is feasible. The UNRWA has to take its full responsibility in refugee camps by disposing the generated solid waste. Currently, UNRWA is only collecting solid waste from the camps and disposing it in the nearest municipal containers. Different citizens’ attitudes toward solid waste management were revealed. Like, readiness of citizens to pay more for better collection system as their income increases, and the readiness of citizens living in separate houses to walk further to container than citizens living in apartments. There is a good indication about readiness of citizens to separate solid waste into five components for recycling purpose. On the other hand, there is a need to increase citizens awareness and care about solid waste management issues. The weight composition percentage of the solid waste in Nablus district is 63% organic material, 8% plastics, 3% metals, 3% glass, 10% paper and cardboard, 3% textiles 10% others and inert materials. It is clear that the high portion of solid waste is organic material, as expected in developing countries. The variation in the composition between village and city is minor. The organic content is a bit higher in villages while the paper content is higher in the city.

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Assessment of Myocardial Infarction Risk Among Patients in Nablus District

Assessment of Myocardial Infarction Risk Among Patients in Nablus District PDF

Aubeidia, Mamoun Abdel-Raheem Taher

Suleiman Al-Khalil; Jamal Al-Aloul -
Discussion Commity

Abstract :

The idea of assessment of myocardial infarction risk factors among patients comes while more and more patients in Palestine are dying from accelerated cardiovascular disease. While myocardial infarction has been described to have an epidemic-like spread all over the world with special emphasis on countries experiencing the transition to western lifestyle, it is important to evaluate the life style and behaviors of those patients after the onset of myocardial infarction. The risk factors of myocardial infarction among patients life in Nablus district were assessed. About 150 patients were selected randomly from Nablus community to participate in this study (108 Male, 42 Female). Those are patients with myocardial infarction selected from three main hospitals in Nablus city. Al-Watani hospital (MOH) n=50, Nablus specialty hospital, (private sectors) n=50, and CCU unit in Al-Arabi hospital, (private sectors). n=50. Microsoft Excel and SPSS software were used to analyze the data collected and to obtain results. Most of sample study participants were more than 50 years old. The majorities of participants live in Nablus city, finished their secondary level of education and had no university degree level. The results according to the gender were 64.81%of males and 66.67% of females of the study sample were diabetic, and 80.56% of males and 71.42% of female of the study sample were hypertensive, while 59.26% of males and 64.29% of females of the study sample relatives had cardiac diseases. All participants were surveyed for diet, physical activity, smoking, stress, knowledge, attitude, practice, and drugs compliance. They were also tested for blood pressure, FBS, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, weight, length, and BMI. Most of patients have no physical activity (86% of males and 98% of females), no control diet (65% of males and 48% of females),while percent of smoking patients were high according to their health situation (60% of males and 21% of females), they also had impaired fasting blood sugar, and high fasting lipids. The political and economical situations of Patients in Nablus city, and lack of health education among patients and their families, were the major reason of the lifestyle impairment. Patients who survived acute myocardial infarction need more attention and rehabilitation programs, this needs the efforts of both primary health care physicians and cardiologists.

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Analysis and Short-Term Future Vision for the

Analysis and Short-Term Future Vision for the PDF


Discussion Commity

348 صفحة
Abstract :


There is a lack of urban and transportation planning in Jenin City. This study addresses the short-term planning for the transportation systems in Jenin City to reach at appropriate solutions for the transportation problems in the city. In addition, the study addresses other detailed objectives for the various transportation systems in the city.

This study includes statistical data collection from its various sources and field surveys (traffic volume studies, parking studies, and inventory studies). The thesis includes a study of existing transportation systems (description and evaluation), traffic analysis of studied intersections (capacity, level of service, and signalization). The analysis includes existing and future conditions (after five years), which depend on projected number of vehicles based on natural population growth for Jenin City, as the number of vehicles during the last ten years was not regularly registered and licensed.

The importance of this thesis is that there is a need for regularly conducting such studies every five years to update such plans taking into consideration several changes taking place in this city. Most of these changes come from political and economical reasons, in addition to the changing traffic conditions in the transportation network and the existing and proposed transportation systems resulted from the Jenin Master Plan.

Based on the analysis, the study reached at several recommendations for the existing and proposed road network conditions, which form the transportation master plan for the city. The proposed changes include plans for the studied intersections and roadways, parking, public transportation, truck routes, pedestrian areas, and the institutional structure. The study concluded that only one intersection is warranted for signalization in the future, which is An-Naffa Intersection.

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Family Reformation from Holy Quran Point View

Family Reformation from Holy Quran Point View PDF

Younus Mahmoud Sadeq Yaseen

Dr. Mohsen S. Al-khaldy -
Discussion Commity

248 صفحة
Abstract :

The Holy Quran comprises a lot of plans that can save humanity from loss and sinking in darkness. It came as the basis of reforming people; it has transformed them from ignorance to science, from darkness to enlightenment, from enmity to brotherhood and friendship.

All these characteristics and trails made it the sole means which enabled Muslims to restore their dignity and nobleness.

This Quran contains the greatest reformation theory ever to known. Reformation in all its forms, economical, political and spiritual have received great interest from the Holy Quran and the focus was on all these areas which family reform springs.

The importance of family reformation lies in the fact that it not only affects the family members but also the whole society so if it corrupts the whole society will be negatively affected. Thus, it is no a strange thing to focus on this topic.

Family reformation occupies a good space in the Holy Quran; it is one of the basic issues approached by the Holy Quran.

Reality and dealing with family reformation in an accurate way are the main traits of the Quran. It has put the base stone of finding solutions for the current problems and any problems that may arise.

Perhaps one of the clearest factors in family conflicts is the ignorance of the family members of their roles and duties. So, the Holy Quran has distributed roles of the people including leaders.

Full Article

Contract Court: Theory and Practice

Contract Court: Theory and Practice PDF

Basem Mohammad Sarhan Ibraheem

Dr Jamal Ahmad Zeid el-Keelani -
Discussion Commity

208 صفحة
Abstract :


The research which is called “ Contract Court: Theory and Practice: consists of a prelude and four chapters showing the most significant features of council of purchase contract as an Islamic idea which obviously signifies the importance of Islam, its validity for all the times and how it accepts innovations and keeps up with modern developments.

In the prelude the study defines contract and purchase contract and shows its provisions, context and means that achieves with a context.

In the first chapter I made an evaluation over different definition and made a more conclusive one and then I detailed the basics and provisions of purchase contract and reciting referring to it from Quran and Sunnah in addition to its technical shortcoming and its rationale.

In the second chapter I talked about the union of purchase contract in a sense of relation between acceptance and offer and its effect on purchase contract and the contracts unconditional to council union, and when the council unites, suspends and how the contract is made.

In the Third chapter I discussed the Consequences of the theory of purchase contract, such as acceptance option, rejection option and the option of purchase contract, and the effect of all on the council of contract, then what may be dropped by the council of contract, and finally I mentioned some issues related to the council option in the fourth chapter I talked about the council of contract between two present situations in respect with its definition, alteration, features and the time of making the contract, then I explained the contract between two absent situations, its definition and some applications and the time of making the contract. Then I talked about the council of contract via direct modern multimedia such as telephone, radios and televisions and other indirect or recorded media, such as tapes, recorded ( registered ) messages, and other medias related to written texts, such as telegraph, telex and fax, media that transfer audio-video (internet) for the adaptation of the council of contract by using such means.

Finally, I mentioned the main results that I have concluded and appended it by, references and resources and the English abstract.

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The Translatability of Cognitive Synonyms in Shakespeare's Macbeth: A Comparative / Contrastive Study

The Translatability of Cognitive Synonyms in Shakespeare's Macbeth: A Comparative / Contrastive Study PDF

Ishrateh, Mahmoud Khaleel Mahmoud

Odeh Odeh -
Discussion Commity

Abstract :

This study investigates the notion of cognitive synonyms in literary works in English-Arabic translation. In order to highlight the problem under discussion, the study explores the translation of some cognitive lexical items in their original context of use. The researcher takes these cognitive synonyms from Shakespeare's Macbeth as a case study. This comparative/ contrastive study focuses on how cognitive synonyms are translated by four translators of Shakespeare's play: Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Khalil Mutran, Farid Abu-Hadid and Hussein Ameen. The present study argues that cognitive synonyms are harder to translate than any other lexical items due to some subtle differences that exist between cognitive synonyms. Shakespeare sometimes associates fine-grained semantic connotations with words. Synonyms are used to convey certain implications. Differences in meaning or use among pairs of synonyms are claimed to be context-dependent. The context is the only criterion for selecting appropriate words. There are many occasions when one word is appropriate in a sentence, but its synonyms will be odd. In literary texts where synonyms are used to convey certain implications, translators can provide formal, functional or ideational equivalence. The study reveals the different idiosyncrasies and translation styles of different translators of Macbeth. This comparative/ contrastive translation study shows that the four translations included in the research fall into two categories. On the one hand, the translations of Jabra and Abu-Hadid reveal a tendency toward formal equivalence. On the other hand, Mutran and Ameen prefer ideational equivalence. The study shows that formal equivalence should be used as long as it secures the intended meaning; otherwise, functional or ideational equivalence must be provided. The researcher believes that it is impossible to separate the conceptual meaning from the connotative meaning because an essential role of the word is the impression it gives to the reader. The researcher discusses also word-strings involving two cognitive synonyms or more, identifying their functions, and pinpointing the obstacles of this phenomenon for translation. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first introduces the types of synonymy, function of synonyms, statement of the problem, significance of the study and methodology of research. The second deals with the review of literature and related studies. The third focuses on the analysis of cognitive synonyms and translation styles. The fourth chapter provides some conclusions and recommendations.

Full Article

The Vocabulary of Natural Environment in the Poetry of Ibn Hamdis

The Vocabulary of Natural Environment in the Poetry of Ibn Hamdis PDF

Rafat Mohammed Sa'id Steiti

Dr. Yahya Jaber -
Discussion Commity

196 صفحة
Abstract :


This study aimed to discuss the natural terms in Ibn Hamdis AL- Siqilli's book in terms of denotation, lexicography semanties, and morphology and statistically.

The study consists of an introduction and four chapters, in addition to statistical study of the natural vocables that explains their attribution in Ibn Hamdis poetry.

The researcher presented Ibn Hamdis life in the first chapter, and about the impact of both Sicilian and Andalusian environment on his life and poetry. He also discussed Ibn Hamdis ability to invent and propogate meanings and denotations. In the second chapter the researcher presented the silent natural vocables including vocables of water, potanic apron, weather phenomena and landmarks. In the third chapter the researcher presented the natural vocables of animal including domestic and wild animals. Then, he completed the talk about the bird species such as pigeons and mordants. Whereas in the fourth chapter the researcher presented some linguistic issues briefly for clarification purpose in the book. Such linguistic issues mentioned are namely joint verbal, synonyms, antonyms Arabization, non – native vocables and syntactic morphology. Then, he introduced the statistical study. Finally, the researcher concluded a summary which explains the most distinguished results concluded by the researcher.

Full Article

Warranty of Exposure and Maturity In the Sale Contract

Warranty of Exposure and Maturity In the Sale Contract PDF

Ribhi Muhammad Ahmed Hazim

Dr. Hussein Mashaqi -
Discussion Commity

172 صفحة
Abstract :


This study has tackled, in research & analysis, one of the commitments laid on the shoulders of sellers; that is the warranty of exposure and maturity in the contract of selling, a comparative study.

And I've dealt with this topic of research in four chapters as follows:

A preliminary chapter, entitled the essence of the selling contract and the compliance with the warranty; where I've taken in it the essence of the sale contract; its nature and identification; as well as its distinction from the contract of barter simply because the barter contract is the basis of establishing the sale contract. This chapter come in three topics; such as,

First, I've talked about the essence of selling contract in various legislations; as well as the development of the sale contract in the Roman, French, Egyptian and Jordanian laws.

Second, is where the study has tackled the selling contract simply because it is characterized by several characteristics; such as, it is a consensual contract, an opposition contract, obligatory to both sides and transferring for property.

Third, is where I've discussed the essence of commitment by warranty besides stating its causes & kinds.

The first chapter is entitled the warranty of exposure. I've talked in it about the opposition; and I've discussed in it as well the opposition in general throughout four topics: First, is where I've illustrated the concept of the seller's commitment after his personal opposition; and the interactions of opposition issued from it; and the merits of the seller's compliance by the warranty of that opposition. And I've mentioned the provisions of the seller's commitment by the warranty of his personal opposition. Second, I've stated in this topic the creditor and debited by the warranty of opposition which is already issued by the seller. It is where the purchaser is a creditor in it by the warranty; and the seller might be indebted towards the purchaser. Then, I've discussed the proprietorship of selling by prescription as a few legislations have authorized the proprietorship of the seller fro the sale in prescription.

In the third topic, I've manifested the concept of the seller's commitment by the warranty of opposition issued by the 3rd. party; and I've talked about the merits of that commitment and its provisions. And I've tackled as well the sale establishing warranty; then, the sale registered & not registered; and later on, the sale establishing commitment in the liability of the seller by the warranty of opposition and maturity towards the purchaser.

In the fourth topic, I've researched the creditor and debtor by the warranty of opposition issued by the 3rd. party where the purchaser will be a creditor in it and the seller becomes a debtor by the warranty of opposition issued by the 3rd. party; and I've demonstrated in it who is the compliant by the warranty in case of consecutive sales.

The second chapter is entitled the commitment with the warranty of maturity. I've showed in it the concept of maturity where there are tow topics: First, I've talked about the merits of commitment with the maturity and the prosecution of demanding; and I've shown as well the impact of the seller's intervention in the prosecution of maturity and not. Second, I've talked about the effects of maturity; such as, its effect between the seller and creditors, the purchaser and creditors; and the effect of the whole maturity between the seller and purchaser as well as manifesting the value of compensation demanded and its amount.

The title of the third chapter was the amendment of the warranty rules; their alleviation, strictness and indemnity. The chapter was divided into two topics: I've shown in the first one the alleviation and severity of warranty rules where the seller is to commit to more or less than what is set in the general statutes of the warranty rules; as well as showing the attitude of the comparative law concerning alleviating and strictness of the warranty rules.

In the second topic, I've talked about the consent to indemnify from warranty, the cases of its falling; and I've demonstrated the concept of indemnity from the warranty and its provisions; and I've stated the attitudes of comparative law concerning indemnity from the warranty; and I've talked as well about the attitude of the comparative law in the cases of warranty falling where there are cases that the right of the purchaser falls in them wholly or partially.

The recommendations of the study are the following:

First, the amendment of article (551) in the Jordanian civil law because it considers the suspended contract a true one after its authorization; and I, personally, look upon it in such a way even before it is being authorized; and the test of it is to be as follows:

1. In case the proprietor has acknowledged the sale, the contract would be valid, executive and compliant in the right of the purchaser.

2. And it would be valid, executive and compliant in the right of the purchase as well in case the proprietorship of the sale was transferred to the seller after the issuance of the contract.

Second, the amendment of the third paragraph of article (505) in the destiny of complementary improvements performed by the purchaser on the sale as it did not distinguish whether the seller was of good-willing or not. The text of it is to be as follows:

3- And the seller guarantees to the purchaser what he has innovated in the sale where the former guarantees the to latter the value of those innovations if the seller was of bad-willing.

Third: The Jordanian legislator should frankly state whether it was possible to amend the rules of warranty in the sale because such texts were ignored in the Jordanian civil law.

Fourth, the amendment of first paragraph in the text of article (467) from the Palestinian civil law project because this article did not state the effect of the purchaser's knowledge concerning the maturity of the sale to the 3rd. party on the selling, or the effect perpetrated on that. I suggest that the text of the fifth paragraph is to become as follows:

5- In case the maturity of selling on the action of 3rd. party arises, the seller will be responsible for the returning of the whole amount of the sale on maturity unless it was confirmed that the purchaser aware in time of selling of the cause of maturity; or that he has purchased a falling option.

Fifth, we wish the Palestinian legislator might change article (455) of the Egyptian civil law by article (455) of the Egyptian civil law when comparing it with article (467) in the Palestinian civil law project because article (445) in the Egyptian civil law talks about the warranty of hidden defects in the sale whereas the comparison occurs on the amendment of warranty rules in the Palestinian civil law project compared with the Egyptian civil law.

Sixth, we wish Egyptian legislator on classifying the selling of the 3rd. party's proprietorship to consider the contact a suspended one instead of making it a revocable contract because the revocable contract has valid impacts on its parties. And the revocable contract as it was quoted in the Egyptian civil law has been based on two rules: the contract might be revoked by the purchaser; and the impacts of the contract are not valid on the right of the real proprietor of the sale. The purchaser is not entitled to revoke the contract simply because the revocation of it by the purchaser or authorizing it is authorizing it is issued by a personal who does not own the sale.

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